Topic outline

  • Contact card

    Subject Teacher:  Fatna Bensaber
    Contact :

    availibility(horaire et lieu) each sunday at room N000

    Tutors :  just me
     Contacts :
    Availability(time and place):  each Sunday at 08:30 in Maths Departement
    Coefficient :01
     Volume horaire global :.21hours
    hourly volume of personal work required /week: 1h30mns
     Evaluation modality: Exam
    Follow-up modality Tutoring calendar: weekly

    • Course description

      The English course for students of mathematics  is designed to develop students ability to communicate confidently in English in a wide variety of situations, including study,researches,travel, work and social interactions.
      • Objectives

        Through this course, the student will be able to:

        1) Identify the four basic language skills.

        2)Recognise mathematics vocabulary and define grammar rules in real-life situations.

        3) Adapt these to writing.

        4) Understand and orally use common mathematics jargon expressions.

        5) Develop professional communication skills, broaden knowledge of scientific English and improve independent work.

        6) This subject aims to encourage students to make English a necessary language for a further course of training. Currently it represents the world scientific language.

        7) Improve comprehension and expression skills  in mathematics English.

        • Prerequis

        • Home Work

        • Chapter 3:

        • Topic 9

          • Topic 10