Topic outline

  • General

  • Timetables

  • Contact Information

    ·         University: Abou-Bekr Belkaid-Tlemcen

    ·         Faculty: Letters and Foreign Languages

    ·         Department: English

    ·         Module: Comprehension and Written Expression (CWE)

    ·         Level: 1st year EFL students

    ·         Semester: 1

    ·         Unit Type: fundamental unit

    ·         Coefficient: 2

    ·         Credit:

    ·         Classroom Meeting : Online

    ·         Instructor Name:  Amina ILES

    ·         Email Address:

    ·         Course Period: Four weeks (8 sessions)

    • Aim of the Module

    • Lecture 1

      Paragraph: Definition, Structure and Useful Examples of Paragraphs • 7ESL

    • Lecture 2

    • Lecture 3

    • Lecture 4

    • Annonces

    • Lecture Five

    • Lecture Seven

    • Lecture Eight

    • Topic 13